A few weeks ago I was sitting in the doorway of the gym locker room putting on my shoes and taking my sweet time, accidentally overhearing other women's conversations. I happened to overhear two women, probably around my age, 30's, who seemed to be new to the gym scene. They were talking about how they just didn't think they had what it takes to go to a group instruction class. I looked at the women and thought, Why would you feel that way? You look perfectly normal. Of course, this was easy for me to think since I have been coming to the gym now for a couple years (during the course of my motherhood career) I am basically a profesh at group classes myself right? Now, let's get past my rudeness at eavesdropping on strangers and get to the purpose of this. Since the experience I have been really pondering what makes women so prone to a lack of confidence, generally speaking of course. I thought about myself; where am I at on the confidence meter? Where have I been? H...