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Showing posts from August, 2017

Endure the Excursion with Gratitude

My life has undergone a few changes in the last few weeks. Our family has relocated and is in the beginning stages of establishing our own business. We are completely readjusting and starting over. It's a wonderful opportunity for all of us and we couldn't be more grateful. In fact, I spent the first several days feeling little else except gratitude and amazement at the innumerable blessings I have been given in my life. I know without a doubt that God prepared the way for my family to come to this new place in our lives and even though it won't be easy, I'm looking forward to the journey.  Gratitude is an incredible thing. There is something about counting your blessings that brings about a tremendous sense of love and humility. Since we moved we have 'graduated' from grad school and student life and come to a place where we need a more spacious home to maintain our business and family (and the minor detail that small towns don't exactly have easy to find...