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Showing posts from January, 2018

New Year. New You??

Happy 2018!  Here I am! Having survived a new years nightmare of sickness in my family, I'm alive and kicking..sort of. I have had so many thoughts lately about newness and starting over and new things, you know, in preparation for the new year. It was especially exciting to me that the new year started on a Monday so I could start a new week with all the new and wonderful things I was going to do in 2018. Since it didn't quite work out that way, I had to let all that go. I have just been doing what I can do and letting everything else be what it is.  After listening to several amazing podcasts by Brooke Castillo I wanted to do my own little 'year in review'. What did I do, endure or accomplish in 2017? What are my goals for 2018? If you listen to Brooke's podcast about her year in review and her new year in review, you'll notice she speaks about the future as if it has already happened. This is a fabulous way to think! I highly recommend you check it out a...